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By Kristyn Ferguson • January 16, 2019

What Can Your Staffing Firm Do to Stand Apart From the Competition?

If you lead a staffing firm, chances are you’ve felt the pressure to constantly reinvent your marketing and sales strategy to compete with the “big guys.” However, often staffing firms with the most effective business development results are those that fully understand what they uniquely bring to the table – and know how to sell their own value proposition. Standing apart from the competition can certainly be challenging but is possible with the right approach.

Check out these three strategies for positioning your staffing firm to stand out from the competition:

Build strategic relationships.

While it may seem impossible to compete with large, national staffing firms, the only way to truly develop your own niche is by building strategic relationships with the best customers for your firm. In the staffing world, developing strong relationships requires you have a plan to engage with individuals who are best suited for your recruiting specialties. This means focusing on the right types of customers (those who are the most profitable); developing targeted marketing strategies for these customers; and understanding the customers’ expectations.


Make a viable action plan.

Identifying your target customers is crucial but will mean nothing if you don’t develop an action plan! Putting your strategy into action requires you tap into marketing your staffing firm’s point of differentiation and how you can specifically deliver the staffing services your target customers need. To build relationships, you’ll need to first understand where and how your audience makes purchasing decisions. In the staffing industry, trust is one of the most important aspects of relationship building. You can develop trust with potential customers through professional and meaningful engagement both online and in person. You can also use content marketing like white papers and e-books to promote your services and serve as a trusted staffing resource for potential and existing customers.

Commit to fostering your relationships.

Remember, even the best customers can come and go if they feel dismissed or forgotten about. Committing to fostering strong relationships with your current customers, as well as prospects, is what leads to a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship. You’ll want to continue focusing on how you can specifically meet your customers’ needs and improve their businesses, showing them how your services can be a solution to their challenges.

Partner with TrackerRMS!

It may sound cliché, but when it comes to developing business relationships, “slow and steady wins the race.” The only way to build the right types of customer relationships is by focusing on what your firm specifically has to offer – and finding the right solutions for their business problems. Contact TrackerRMS for more information!

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